In memory of Vanessa Fabjancic

So far we have raised


Thank you for visiting this website, set-up in memory of Vanessa Fabjancic.

All of us who were lucky enough to have known Vanessa were inspired by her passion for life and her generosity of spirit that continued throughout her time with us.

Vanessa never gave up hope that a cure would be found for her illness, and as a result of ground-breaking treatments was able to overcome many of the obstacles it threw at her, allowing her to enjoy additional precious time.

It is therefore fitting to celebrate Vanessa's life, and to show Brad and her family how much she meant to us, by donating funds to Breakthrough Breast Cancer who specialise in breast cancer research, awareness and support.

All money raised on these pages will be earmarked as being donations made in Vanessa's memory when they reach Breakthrough Breast Cancer. The amount of any donation will remain private, but your message will be shared.

Simply choose one of the links above to see what you can do.

Thank you

Lisa Horrell Fund holder


Your donations have helped research make great progress over the last year and we're looking back on some of the headlines from 2016. Thank you for all your incredible support - read more about the research you've made possible at

Donations from Great North Run 2010 fundraising


21 February 2011

Lisa Robson

My family first met Vanessa when she was a bridesmaid for our daughter Lisa's wedding. She was the most friendly,outgoing and fabulous girl that you could ever wish to meet .We thank her with all our hearts for making the day extra special, not just for us but everyone. To Brad and Vanessa's family we offer our sincere condolences and hope that in time they will be able to remember her not with great sadness but as the shining light that she most definately was.

2 April 2008


i haven't seen vanessa since we were in school together in year 10. vanessa is someone who has remained dear to me from the moment i first met her. she was the "peace queen" who loved hoodoo gurus! she never had a bad thing to say about anyone! she is one of the most beautiful people i have ever had the pleasure of meeting in my whole entire life, and i recently learnt of her diagnosis and passing. iam so distraught. my most sincere wishes go out to her family and partner brad. even though i haven't seen vanessa for so long, she is a dear person who will be missed by so many. i really hope that a cure for breast cancer will be found.

2 April 2008


Vanessa was one of the most positive people I've met and really good fun to have in the team! I miss having her around. My condolences to Brad and the family at what must be a very difficult time, am thinking of you.

2 April 2008


It was an honour and pleasure to work with Vanessa. She was positive, friendly, upbeat, talented, enthusiastic and supportive. She lit up the room she was in. She really was an amazing girl. I will fondly remember her forever.

2 April 2008


Vanessa was probably the most positive thinking person I have ever known. A great person with a great personality, she was an inspiration to us all. She'll never be forgotten.

2 April 2008


Once met never forgotten. I feel privileged to have known and worked with Venessa. A very special person.

2 April 2008


Vanessa was a wonderful colleague and great friend who enriched our lives in so many ways. She will be greatly missed.

2 April 2008
