Contact us

We know that fundraising isn’t always easy, and that this could be a very difficult time for you and your loved ones, so we have a team on hand to support you every step of the way.

If you have any questions about how Funds in Memory work, need help starting or updating your fund, or would like support with your fundraising, please get in touch with Hannah Jordan, in our Fund in Memory team, using the details below. We’ll do our very best to help.

Call us
020 7960 3508

Email us

Write to us
Breast Cancer Now
6th Floor
The White Chapel Building
10 Whitechapel High Street
E1 8QS

If you’re sending a cheque, please remember to include a brief note to let us know who your donation is in memory of and how you fundraised. Please make all cheques payable to Breast Cancer Now.