In memory of Franco Sterlini
So far we have raised
Franco loved life, and life loved him. He was known by many since he seemed to know everyone, and will be greatly missed by his family and friends, after having been taken from us far, far too young.
Franco's family would prefer for there to be no flowers at the funeral. Instead, a donation to Breast Cancer Care, a charity close to Franco's heart.
Luigi Sterlini Fund holder

Your donations have helped research make great progress over the last year and we're looking back on some of the headlines from 2016. Thank you for all your incredible support - read more about the research you've made possible at

11 June 2014
Mrs Gisela Hann
11 June 2014
Other gifts given at Franco's funeral
8 June 2014
Mr Giulio Ferdenzi
8 June 2014
Ms ewa wasiak
4 June 2014
Mrs Luisa Gorry
3 June 2014
2 June 2014
Mr Steven Benford
29 May 2014
Mr Luigi Sterlini